Youth Project
AYDA Centre believes that the future is contained in our children. When funding is available AYDA strives to provide the following community youth services:
Workshops for developing IT skills, raising self-esteem to enhance skills already gained; homework club is intended to complement school work and to improve young people’s well-being and educational outcomes.
Workshops involving music tuition, also confidence building and personal development sessions. Some of the young people involved are quite talented, musically but have not had the opportunity to develop their potential. This training is a massive confidence boost for all young people especially for those with learning difficulties. Music is a form of therapy and a positive activity that gives these youngsters a great opportunity that they have never had before. We have recruited a wide range of young people from various cultural and religious backgrounds that are keen to use music as a medium to bring young people together and celebrate our diversity.
Providing advice and support for parents of children with learning difficulties and linking them with the right services (statutory and voluntary agencies); By liaising with statutory and voluntary organizations, we ensure that BME children have access to a wide range of services and that we are able to influence decisions.
Facilitating a mentoring scheme for children and young people with learning difficulties – to link young people with more experienced people who can act as mentors. The mentoring relationship enables them to share knowledge, expertise and contacts in a supportive atmosphere of mutual trust. Mentoring is designed to help them to remain healthy, stay safe, contribute and achieve.
Providing a support group for parents of children and young people with learning difficulties who are isolated and/or have no familial bonds; – information sharing, providing drop in counselling session and networking with other organizations.